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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below, you will find the most common questions that we get asked, we answered most of them here.
Alternatively, connect with us through live chat, phone call or by support tickets.

Domain Name:

A domain name is the address of your website, where internet users can access your website through the browser's URL bar.

The domain name is unique and can give your company or organization's identity on the web.
It takes 24-48 hours (usually much sooner) for your domain name to propagate to all of the root DNS servers and visible to all users of the internet. Sometimes propagation delays due to internet providers, they have to update their records to reflect the changes.
Yes, you can buy domain names without buying/having a hosting package with us.
Yes, you can transfer your domain name from your current registrar/provider to us.
Yes, you will get the domain control panel including all the necessary accesses.

Shared Web Hosting:

Web hosting is the service that allows your website or web application available to be viewed by others on the internet. Everything on the internet usually needs a web host.

For example, if you have any business and you want to sell your products globally then it is very essential to make it available on the web and for that, you will need a web hosting service.
Shared web hosting is a type of hosting service that allows multiple websites to share a physical web server and its resources under the hosted websites or web applications. Shared web hosting is low in cost and gives a high range of response and performance.
Disk space is the amount of space available on the server for storing the content of your website or web application. That content includes files, images, videos, databases, among others.

Bandwidth in website hosting is the amount of data that a website can deliver to its visitors in a given amount of time.
You do not need to buy a domain name, but you must have a domain name to set up with your hosting plan.
Yes, You can upgrade your hosting plan at any time. For this, simply contact our support center by support ticket mentioning the package you want to upgrade.
Yes, you will get a free SSL certificate with any of our shared hosting plans.

Business Hosting:

In business hosting, you will get more powerful web hosting resources and configuration than shared hosting. Business hosting helps in filling the gap between the shared hosting and superior level VPS or dedicated server.
Definitely yes, business hosting will give you more powerful hosting resources and configuration than shared hosting.
If you have a small to moderate level or even high-level business website then our business hosting plan can be a great choice of you.
Yes, You will get a Premium SSL certificate with any of our business hosting packages. For that, you must purchase at least 6 months of a business hosting package.
Yes, You will get a FREE (.com/.net/.org /.info) domain registration with any of our business hosting packages. For that, you must purchase at least 6 months of the business hosting package.
Yes, you can upgrade from your current shared hosting package to any of our business hosting packages at any time. NO setup fee needed.

Is there any other questions not answered here?

Whether you have a question about our product or services, offers, features, about our activities or anything else, our dedicated team members are always ready to answer all of your questions. Feel free to submit your questions, one of our team members will get back to you as soon as possible.

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